Student Leadership - Grade 6 Leadership

School Leadership

All grades 5&6 students will be expected to be school leaders. They should behave responsibly, with integrity and support the development of others. Students in grade 5&6 should be positive role models for the whole school.

Bandiana Primary School Captains

School Captains are chosen via a democratic process.
All students in Grade 6 submit nominations for the School Captain and Vice-Captain positions.

Students are given the choice whether to accept the nomination.

Students who achieve the highest votes from grade 5&6 children combined with the vote of the Grade 6 teacher and Principal wins the election.

The school selects a boy and girl captain and vice-captain. The positions will be voted on again in the second semester.
The semester one captains keep their titles but do not have the same responsibilities after the
 new leaders are awarded captaincy.

School leaders from semester one are not eligible to receive the same award twice or a lesser award (the semester one captain is ineligible for captain or vice-captain in semester two. And, the semester one vice-captain is not eligible for vice-captain semeseter two). 

School Captain - Roles and Responsibilities

Captains should live the motto "Ever My Best". Leaders will act with academic and personal integrity. Student leaders will demonstrate active learning by being attentive learners, participating in school events with enthusiasm, and taking responsibility for promoting the learning across the school. Leaders should respect and promote the dignity of all persons. Student leaders will respect the rights of others and act with sensitivity, consideration and understanding. Student leaders will model good behaviour. School leaders should meet regularly with their class teachers to discuss matters of concern to the student body.

Sports Captains

Sports Captains are chosen via a democratic process, similarly to the school captains. The school selects a boy and girl captain for each house (Wills, Burke, Hovel and Hume).