Curriculum - Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview

Bandiana Primary School prides itself on its academic results and individual student programs. We have been recognized at a national level for an exemplary curriculum and received a national exemplary teacher award in the same year. We have been recognized in the state literacy and numeracy awards for our outstanding numeracy program. Our teachers are focused on providing the best possible outcomes for all children and strive to provide exceptional and exemplary programs to develop student skills. The school curriculum is based on the Victorian F-10 curriculum endorsed and support by the Department of Education and Training. Specific curriculum outlines for the school may be viewed in consultation with your class teacher or the school curriculum coordinator.

High Expectations of All Learners

The school leadership team reviews the whole-school plan for student literacy and numeracy. This review aims to ensure all programs are evidence-based and are implemented with the prescribed intensity for optimal student growth.  


The school leadership team ensures school accountability measures are completed thoroughly each year. This includes developing and submitting an Annual Report and Annual Implementation Plan. The school undergoes a school review every four years.

Professional Leadership

The school leadership team ensures the school professional learning is focused on student needs and meeting the goals and expectations of the Department of Education.