Curriculum - Homework

Children at Bandiana Primary are expected to complete homework each night. Children will bring home a school reader to read with their parents. Parents are requested to sign in their child’s reader each night. Children should aim for at least 200 nights of reading for the school year. Children’s names are inscribed on the 200-night reading trophy at the end of the year if they meet this standard.

Children will also bring home a homework book for home studies. This is a revision book set at your child’s grade level. Books will be handed out by the class teacher on a Monday afternoon and returned to the child on Friday. Children who complete the entire book will be allowed extension and parents are able to purchase a higher year level book to supplement ongoing learning.

Children will be encouraged to complete Mathletics at home. Mathletics is a computer-based program that is fun and reinforces math concepts. Parents are encouraged to view the site and work side by side with their children and explore the Mathletics website, Each week children are rewarded for their math endeavours and aim to have their name inscribed on the math’s “Gold” trophy!