Curriculum - English, Maths & Rich Tasks

English, Maths & Rich Tasks / Integrated Studies 

We focus on the notion “Ever My Best” and encourage students to be confident and proud of their abilities. Our school community values academic learning and doing your very best. We provide a 120-minute literacy block and 90 minutes of numeracy each day to ensure that we extend children’s skill development.

When children are not engaged in specialist studies, they study Rich Tasks / Integrated Studies. The Rich Task curriculum is based on the Victorian F-10 curriculum, designed to challenge children to better understand the world around them on a local, national, and global scale. We endeavour to publicly present students’ work to develop personal pride in their achievement.

The school value “Ever My Best” is pertinent to all the work we do. We encourage artists, athletes, musicians and dancers, scientists, linguists, and librarians to pursue their talents and participate in learning for life. We praise achievement and develop children’s strengths so that each child feels a high degree of self-worth and is an active contributor to our community.